The Personal MBA

Master the art of business

I enjoyed this book, but am hesitant to recommend it to others. The writing is only OK, and so much of the content felt somewhat common sense. However, I did find multiple nuggets worth keeping!

My favourite takeaways


When developing a business, iteration and feedback are key. Offering a pre-order with full access to the witten Prototype (description of what is being offered) is ideal.

If no one wants to pre-order a free prototype your offer is not valuable enough.


Random actions change things. Attempt to reorganize ideas is our body’s way of searching for solutions. When reference levels are violated, and we do not know what action to take next, try reorganization.

Simulations in your brain only works well with a goal.


Easiest way to change things is by changing your environment.

Reference Levels

Humans do not have easily manipulated behavior. We are too complex for that.

Rather we have reference levels that, when out of whack, force us to make change.


What do you want to change your beliefs (or mental stimuli) simply follow:

  1. Recall that belief in as much detail.
  2. Think of alternative interpretations for that.
  3. Realize your belief is an interpretation, not fact.
  4. Discard your belief.
  5. Choose an alternative interpretation.


Either moving towards or away from things.

We evolved to prioritize moving away, which makes sense from our ancestors point-of-view, but doesn’t serve us as well today. Understand this emotional tug-of-war when making decisions.

As we prioritize moving away, we focus on what is being lost. This can make us fearful of change, because we aren’t understanding the complete picture.

Selection Test

Environmental constraints that determine which systems can be self perpetuating and which ones die. Know the selection tests for a market and you can change the field; especially as markets change due to tech.

